Sunday, February 22, 2015

One year later.......

February 19, 2014 Sammy had his first tonic-clonic seizure. Oh how our lives have changed since then.

Then: Sammy didn't take any medications, and what he would take had to be liquid. He was in a regular education classroom with just a one-on-one for reading and math.
Now: Sammy takes upward of ten pills twice a day (one pill at noon), he's been weaned off all liquids at this time. He's also in a special ed class with a full time LPN assigned directly to him, plus his class has an aide. He is now wearing a harness on the bus.

Then: That first EMS call scared everyone, but mostly Henry. He didn't have any idea of what was happening to his big brother. One of the EMTs gave him a special fireman's hat to ease the scariness. He would just stand by and watch most of the time.
Now: Henry is a pro at helping Mom, Dad, or any other adult around if Sammy has a seizure. He knows to get a magnet (for the vns) or Sammy's "butt medicine" (diazepam). He helps pack Sammy's go-bag for the hospital, getting Sammy's puppies or blanket. He has sacrificed mommy time because I always accompany Sammy in the ambulance or on overnights to the clinic/hospital. Henry really has taken on the role of big brother lately.

Then: As a family we could go out without a care in the world about medicines. Eric and I could leave the boys with just about anyone that understood Autism. 
Now: We check and double-check we have everything in case Sammy has a seizure. Meds, wheelchair, a towel, maybe even a couple of disposable undies and change of clothes. Leaving Sammy with someone not familiar with seizures or his particular protocol just doesn't happen. 

We're stronger for it all though. As a family, as a couple. And in just 12 days, our family will be even stronger with the addition of Sybil. She will help us care for Sammy in a way only she can.

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